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Meet Oligoscan

A revolutionary method for testing Intracellular levels of Heavy Metals, Minerals and Trace Elements using Spectroscopy  (Full Visible Light Spectrum).


44 Elements are reported (21 minerals, 16 heavy metals, and Vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E). The test is immediate and is non-invasive, measuring the intracellular uptake of the elements, namely through the tissue (including muscle & small capillaries), at a depth of 4mm through the skin.

For over 11 years, Oligoscan has provided cutting-edge testing methodology with results reported fast and available anywhere in the world with a good internet connection.


Test requirements include: Date of Birth, Gender, Blood Type, Height, and Weight.

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The Power of Light

Beer-Lambert’s Law (1760) states that every known compound absorbs, emits, or reflects light (Electromagnetic Spectrum) over a specific range of wavelengths. The more a sample is concentrated, the more it absorbs the specific light applied.

Spectroscopy is all about absorption and reflection.

Every beam of light is quantized (a certain amount of light) into photons, which you can count. As multiple photons of light are projected, there is a consistent and measurable amount of frequencies, creating momentum. 

Each Element has its own spectrum of color, or
Atomic Emission Spectra, and absorbs and reflects light differently based on the elements' properties.

When the light hits your skin and starts measuring, it has to penetrate at least 1 cell membrane, otherwise, it can not measure at all. When the light shines into the skin, the momentum changes, in which you can gather and calculate how much of the light was absorbed. The cell membrane is the key difference with Oligoscan.


Advanced Spectroscopy w/ Advanced calculations

Spectroscopy technology is not new and is used across several different industries today such as semiconductors, forensic examination, food-processing, astrology and others.

Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology Medicine in 1931. 

“He conducted landmark experiments using Spectrophotometry that proved that the portion of the enzyme that reacts with Oxygen in a cell is identical with the portion of hemoglobin that binds oxygen in the blood. That chemical, called heme, is a porphyrin bonded to iron, and the enzyme containing it, which exists in every cell and makes breathing possible, is known today as cytochrome oxidase.” (The Invisible Rainbow 2017)


The function of the Spectroscopy is to separate the spectral line of interest from other spectral lines with different wavelengths emitted by the light source (gas filled Tungsten).

A grating is a reflective surface, scored holographically with parallel grooves that are designed for different wavelength regions.

The device is equipped with a diffraction grating with the goal to cover a large wavelength range, which is used in atomic absorption of minerals and metals.

A basic drawing of this technology is shown here. It consists of the diffraction grating (dispersing element), slits, and spherical mirrors.

Atomic absorption of minerals and heavy metals are reflected and detected by their wavelengths E.g. Ca: 422.7nm, K = 766.5 / nm.


Different Tests, Different Reference Ranges

Blood, Hair, Urine, and Spectroscopy each have their own reference ranges developed over time and always in revision.

With Spectrophotometry, the reference range was established by a detailed statistical process utilizing Gaussian formulas and functions over an extended time period. The Gaussian methodology is the standardized method for statistical distribution used in these types of applications.

In particular, as Intracellular constituents are delivered to cells via blood, the spectrophotometer enables a patient’s nutritional status to be measured via two sets of data, as the reference ranges of intracellular components are different from those of blood. Therefore, spectrometry provides a different view of the uptake of nutrients in each individual tested.

The important part for the clinician is that mineral results from each of these four categories will yield different results, because each of the tissues being examined (hair, blood, urine, palmar tissue) is different.


Represents what is currently in circulation at that moment.

“The Transportation System of nutrients"

  • Shows recently circulated Metals, flagging acute intoxication

  • Heavy metal levels in the blood are subject to several environmental factors.

  • Homeostasis - to preserve life, the body will naturally push or “dump” toxins that enter the bloodstream immediately into the peripheral, fatty, and organ tissues.It does this to stabilize normal bodily functions.

The Amount of Minerals and Trace Elements is kept fairly constant in the blood

  • E.g. Muscle Cramp symptoms - Magnesium level in serum & RBC compared to Oligoscan

Hair Mineral Analysis Test

Represents what the patient has excreted in the past 3 months, via epithelial tissue (hair) "The Excretory System"

  • 90% of human scalp hair is in the growth phase

  • During this time, elements from the follicular cells and their blood supply are incorporated into hair. However, the more toxic metals that are incorporated into organ cells, the less is excreted in hair (i.e Autistic Spectrum Disorder)

  • If patient is a poor excreter, as seen with many individuals, notingly with the chronically ill, the toxic elements may appear under-represented in hair tissue compared to Oligoscan

Urine (Provocation) test

Shows to what extent the body can excrete metals In a normal sample, almost nothing is excreted "The Excretory System"

  • When the body is provoked (e.g. EDTA, DMPS, DMSA), increased metal concentrations are found aka “challenge test”

  • Very useful to test excretion capability.

  • Note*- chelation agents do not penetrate cell membranes. They determine the amount of metals within the Extracellular space



Shows the intra-cellular uptake of the minerals, namely through the tissue (including muscle & small capillaries), at a depth of 4mm through the skin

  • Intra-cellular Tissue = The Destination

  • What has been bio-accumulated, via the blood, into the intra-cellular tissue.

  • E.g - The Uptake of minerals vs. what is in circulation 

The Oligoscan is a complementary test, not a replacement test. providing a different perspective.

Spectroscopy technology itself is not new and is used across several domains including, chemistry, pharmacy, environment, food-processing, biology, medical/clinical industries, material/chemical engineering, clinical applications, and many others.

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